Influence Generator Program
Disruptive Brand development program that makes influence inevitable
We are all so busy with managing our regular workflows and putting out fires that it’s hard to make space for strategy, planning, or anything that isn’t day-to-day execution.
That’s why our foundational Influence Generator program is so valuable. It helps teams strategize and develop your brand together—achieving understanding, definition, and agreement in one cohesive process vs. having to go back and forth for months—or worse, never complete this most important work.
The program takes you through six meticulously engineered steps to deeply understand and align yourself, your brand, and your customers.
This is how you find and assume the superpower of influence. Your messaging becomes clear. Your targeting, precise. Your brand identity resonates exactly the way you dreamed. Your audiences are drawn to you like never before.
Who this program is for
Solo Entrepreneurs
Whether you’re just trying to make a living or build a lifestyle, know this: When purpose touches the heart, it fuels an energy that transcends your self-interest and drives your self-fulfillment.
Leadership Teams
Misalignment can derail even the best vision. How do you get your key leaders thinking in the same language, driving on the same track so their best ideas and means power your shared ends?
Forget the odds, you can ensure your idea becomes a home run by doing the necessary groundwork now and getting your early team perfectly aligned around your brand and your audience.
The Promise of the Program
You will deeply understand yourself, your brand, your customers—and ultimately discover the superpower of influence. Experience the amazing ease with which customers choose and use your offerings.
The comprehensive Influence Generator Implementation Playbook is your takeaway, containing all the brand DNA you encode during our game-changing workshops.
Achieve understanding, definition, and agreement in one all-inclusive, expertly guided process vs. having to go it on your own and achieve less than satisfactory results—or worse, no results at all.
At Influence Engines, we feel deeply that business builders and marketers are agents of accomplishment. They help people solve problems and get things done.
To do that well, they have to care deeply about the people they want to help, listen to them, understand them—empathize with them.
It’s a business builder’s job to influence peoples’ attitudes, attentions, and behaviors, and help them manage their uncertainty to make easy choices.
What many business people don’t realize—or if they realized it once, they’ve forgotten—is that the degree to which they are successful is directly related to the degree of empathy that infuses their brands, how they do business, and ultimately, their products and services.
Overview of Program Steps
Core Self Discovery
Most business builders at one time or another formulate a mission statement or list of core values but this is different.
This starts with you.
For the business you build to succeed, you must first identify your personal driving forces.
We use our Embrace Uncertainty Workshop to root you in the solid ground of your:
- Purpose
- Mission
- Vision and
- Values
Because if you don’t know your “why,” chances are your customers don’t, either.
Brand Discovery
Once we have identified your personal core elements, next we determine how they manifest in your business—starting with discovering and defining your brand.
We start by aligning on the difference between your brand and your brand identity.
Then we define the attributes of your brand and cluster them in an exciting exercise that ultimately leads to your brand essence, narrative, and definitive brand statement.
Audience Discovery
We gain empathy to understand and profile your customers, as it requires recognizing and understanding their points of view, which we enter through their:
- Story
- Demographics
- Needs
- Goals
- Affinity map
- Empathy map
We create customer profiles comprising their story, demographics, needs, and goals and then map their affinities and our empathy for what they think, hear, say, and do aligns with their values.
- Empathy leads to insight
- Insight leads to opportunities
- Opportunities lead to new business ideas
These elements create a narrative that helps establish why your solution will be relevant to your customer.
Goal Setting
Once you are steeped in your brand essence, aligned with your audience, and know your influence channels, messages and designs, our Goal Setting workshop will set you up for action.
- Together we identify your:
- Impact Goals
- Efficiency Goals
- Awareness Goals
- Filter them by business/customer needs by creating an affinity map.
- Prioritize them using the CARVER Matrix.
Influence Discovery
Find connection for the purpose of alignment with data matching at the intersection of customer needs and your business goals.
This is where we tie the objectives for your brand to the needs of your audiences to identify ideas/features sets.
We then prioritize these strategic ideas across the categories to identify your priorities.
Brand Experince
Mapping the key channels and messages through which you influence your primary audiences and deliver your brand essence fundamentally impacts how your audiences make choices about your business and act on them.
We look at six phases of your relationship with each audience (aka the customer journey):
- Discovery
- Engagement
- Action
- Loyalty
- Recommendation
- Advocacy
…and then map the channels you use—or should use—to influence its choices. They align your messages and designs with your audiences in those moments and mindsets.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Influence Generator Program all about?
Our workshops help teams strategize and plan together, achieve understanding, definition, and agreement in one process vs having to go back and forth for months.
Can the steps in the program be implemented piecemeal, or do they all build on each other?
The honest answer is: both.
Each and every step in the program is valuable and effective on its own. Our goal is to help get your brand strategy to a professional level of functionality by the time the program ends.
Once you finish the program and start leveraging the Influence Generator implementation manual, you’ll notice a constant stream of new insights about how to use it. The program then becomes self-improving, since you can further refine and document ways to improve your Influence Engine.
How much time will this program take?
It typically takes a 5 person team two to three full days. Individuals typically take two full days.